Patricia Bosshard: augmented violin, conception
Dragos Tara: live electronics, conception
Residency at STEIM
(23.04 – 6.05 2012)
Week 2
Gestures sequence definition: this sequence, mostly made out of slow and tensed motions, will be repeated, as a ritual.
Small variations depending on the evolving sound environment. Some gestures produce violin sound, some don’t. The interactions with computer don’t have to always be obvious.
The electronic sounds are made of emulation of modular synths (MAX/MSP).
In a rich multilayer sound context, the gestures isolates some sounds, acting on their volume, frequency range and spatial behavior.

Future, perspectives:
More focus on violin sound an gestures, independently from them impact on electronics.
Sound tests with more than 4 loudspeakers for sound spatialization.
Explore the performance as a whole, especially under the woman-computer dialog point of vue.
Dragos Tara: live electronics, conception
Residency at STEIM
(23.04 – 6.05 2012)
Week 2
Gestures sequence definition: this sequence, mostly made out of slow and tensed motions, will be repeated, as a ritual.
Small variations depending on the evolving sound environment. Some gestures produce violin sound, some don’t. The interactions with computer don’t have to always be obvious.
The electronic sounds are made of emulation of modular synths (MAX/MSP).
In a rich multilayer sound context, the gestures isolates some sounds, acting on their volume, frequency range and spatial behavior.

Future, perspectives:
More focus on violin sound an gestures, independently from them impact on electronics.
Sound tests with more than 4 loudspeakers for sound spatialization.
Explore the performance as a whole, especially under the woman-computer dialog point of vue.